Opportunities are brimming for every company in virtually every field. But hand in hand comes the possibility of pitfalls. An organisation can be hailed as the front runner of cutting-edge technology or the one who failed to consider the risks. The first gives them a head start on competitors, and the others set them up for failure. It is why businesses need to be aware of the trend in technology. They need hard data before investing in it. In this piece, we walk through four trends in technology that will gain popularity in the coming year.
• Automation is on the rise.
Automation is going to become mainstream soon enough. We will invent more tools and application that take over mindless labour. This will happen on not only the consumer front but also the entrepreneur side. While there was a time when employees had to handle time-consuming and unintelligent work, soon it will be no more so.
• Blockchain will be revived.
It is evident that 2018 was horrible for blockchain. The field saw an all-time low. But this year, there is hope that we will create a new application that will revive the segment. Why the faith, because artificial intelligence is standing on the edge. It will soon take the step from being for-the-rare-few to being accepted commonly. It will leap from just ads to the everyday application which will drive blockchain.
• Humans and AI will collaborate better.
Right now, we don’t know how to employ Artificial Intelligence accurately. A perfect example is the recruitment drive that depended on AI to find human resource and ended up with biased outcomes. This year we will learn from our mistakes and educate ourselves how to collaborate with AI while keeping the power in human hands.
• IoT will continue to grow.
Yes, the Internet of Things has been on the map for some time now. But connected devices will expand further in 2019. We are just in the starting phase of IoT. As more people adopt smart living and as more companies practice to smart working, connected devices will explode. Consumers and business, alike, will take to it like fish to water.
• Data security will become imperative.
AI, connected gadgets, the blockchain, automation and any other trend in technology all points to just one direction. There is an utmost need for data security. As we add more and more information to the ether, we require to be more committed to its protection. As a result, it has become laughably simple for hackers to leak massive amounts of data. We’ve already seen too many incidents happen last year. In 2019, therefore, companies will need to invest in keeping the information of every person safe and secure from illegal access.
The world of technology is ever altering. That is the only constant. So, believing that these five are the only trends that businesses need to keep an eye out is not smart thinking. We recommend entrepreneurs to walk without blinkers and be aware of every slight change that occurs. That said, investing in every one of these 5 areas will lead to significant profit.